Can’t make it to Ottawa? Participate in CHF Canada’s AGM Virtually!

  8 June 2023

CHF Canada’s National Business Meeting is on Saturday, June 17th, the final day of the Annual Meeting. It is an important democratic opportunity for members to vote on resolutions, elect the board of directors, and more.

This year, CHF Canada is piloting a new, hybrid option. Co-ops who can’t attend the National Business Meeting in-person can register virtual delegates.

The Benefits of Virtual Participation in the National Business Meeting

We know that many co-ops would love to send a delegate in person. Alas, considerations such as like cost, time away from work, home, or family, health, and other reason make it difficult to attend. The virtual option provides an opportunity to participate in the important national business meeting in a convenient and affordable manner.

Virtual delegates will have the opportunity to vote on resolutions and the CHF Canada budget, ask question, speak to motions, and learn about CHF Canada’s activities and programs. And instead of spending three or four days traveling, you can take part in under three hours. Another incentive to attend virtually is cost savings. Instead of spending thousands of dollars in travel, accommodation and registration fees, you can participate for just $100.

This is an important opportunity for BC housing co-op to share our voice on a national stage from the comfort of home. We encourage every CHF Canada member in the province to register a delegate.

Learn more and register


Contact CHF Canada’s Annual Meeting registrar, Marie Marin: 1-855-867-6601,