We are proud to support the education dreams and ambitions of our members.

CHF BC: Supporting the next generation of co-operators.

Scholarship Details

Each scholarship is worth up to $5,000 and is awarded in multiple years: $2,000 in the first year of study and then $1,000 a year for up to three more years.

Each year an online fillable application is posted early in the year with a submission deadline in March. The application provides a checklist of documentation you will need to submit with your application. Scholarships are awarded annually in May or June, at our SAGM or at a separate ceremony.

To ensure the integrity of the selection process, we  recruit an independent review committee so that the selection of scholarship recipients won’t be made by CHF BC staff or directors.


To be eligible for a CHF BC scholarship, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Live in a CHF BC member housing co-operative.
  • Plan to attend, or already attend, a Canadian, publicly-funded, accredited college, university or government-approved apprenticeship program on a full-time basis.
  • Be making a positive contribution to their school, co-op, or community.
  • Demonstrate financial need.

Scholarships are awarded for undergraduate studies only. There is no minimum or maximum age to apply.

Application Form

Interested students and apprentices are invited to submit a 2025 scholarship application form no later than March 28, 2025.

To apply for a 2025 CHF BC Scholarship, please complete an online application form.

Download PDF application

Completed forms can be emailed to OR faxed to 604-879-4611 OR couriered or mailed to:

CHF BC Scholarship Fund
220 – 1651 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y3

All applications much be received no later than March 28, 2025. Late applications will not be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact Jarrett Hagglund at

Apply Now

Scholarship History

We remember how excited we were to launch our CHF BC Scholarship Fund in 2012, based on the successful model pioneered by CHF Toronto.

Since then the Fund has supported the educational goals of co-op members, particularly young members who are actively engaged in making a positive contribution to their communities, awarding a total of 24 scholarships. We are proud to invest in our young members (and others who may be returning to school) and supporting the next generation of co-op leaders.

This video features Jazz Groden-Gilchrist, the 2012 Aaron Webster Memorial Scholarship winner describing what receiving the scholarship meant to him and his education goals.

Download a summary of this video [PDF]

Learn more about past scholarship recipients.

Aaron Webster

When we created the CHF BC Scholarship Fund, we decided to name one of the first scholarships after Aaron Webster.

Aaron Webster was the victim of a hate crime. He was killed because he was gay and for no other reason. This tragedy affected many of us deeply, because at the time of his death, Aaron was the president of his housing co-op.

Not long after Aaron’s death, CHF BC established the Aaron Webster Memorial Fund in the hope of using it in some way to celebrate our diversity as a co-op housing movement. This is the seed that grew into our Scholarship Fund, and each year we name one of our scholarships the Aaron Webster Memorial Scholarship to acknowledge those roots.

Past Recipients

CHF BC scholarship recipients reflect the diversity of housing co-operative members. They represent the best of the co-operative movement: motivated, determined and making a positive contribution to their communities.

Our scholarship winners represent the best of the co-operative housing movement: motivated, determined, and making a positive contribution to their communities.

You can learn more about past recipients at the link below.

List of past recipients

Scholarship Committee

Each year we recruit an independent Scholarship Committee to review applications and select recipients. This ensures that decisions won’t be made by CHF BC staff or directors.

We acknowledge the many hours that the Scholarship Committee members put into the selection of each year’s scholarship recipients. Sitting on the review committee is a significant commitment involving many hours of work. Our committee members take this commitment very seriously.

Thank you to our current committee for your outstanding work:

Scholarship Sponsors

Our scholarship program is made possible through the generous donations of our sponsors.

We would like to thank our generous sponsors and donors who contribute to the CHF BC Scholarship Program through the CLT Community Foundation.

We accept one-time—or recurring donations—from companies, organizations, co-operatives, or individuals. If you would like to support the education, dreams, and ambitions of our members by donating to the scholarship fund, please contact us at or call 604-879-5111 or toll-free 1-866-879-5111.