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Anne Davidson

I am seeking your support for election to the Board of CHF BC.

I have lived in Granville Gardens Housing Co-operative for over 30 years and have always been active on the board and committees. I am currently the Treasurer. I value the sense of community and involvement that living in a co-op gives us.

I participate in all CHF BC events – AGM, SAGM, Education Forums, Member Forums and the Island Council. You can rely on my experience in the co-operative movement and my commitment to our member co-ops in CHFBC.

Current Co-op sector involvement:

  • At Large Director on the Board of CHF Canada including its Governance Task Force
  • Appointed to the Board of Directors for the Agency for Co-operative Housing
  • Member of the BC Regional Committee for the Cooperators Insurance

Previous Co-op sector experience:

  • Past President of CHF Canada for four years
  • BC and Yukon Regional Director for CHF Canada for six years
  • Former Finance and Audit Committees for both CHFBC and CHF Canada
  • Former Board member, BC Co-operative Association
  • Delegate to other Co-operative organizations – Co-op and Mutuals Canada AGMs; Delegate to two International Summits of Co-operatives, Quebec City; delegate to a Joint Union/Management Study tour of Italian Co-operatives.

Work experience:

  • Senior Union Staff Representative for BC and Alberta, responsible for bargaining and political action.
  • President, Airline Division, Canadian Autoworkers Union
  • Sole Canadian Representative to the Women’s Committee, International Transport Workers Federation as well as Delegate to their International AGMs

I am excited to have the opportunity to serve on the CHF BC Board to promote programs for our current members while increasing co-op housing for future members.

Please vote for Anne Davidson for At-Large Director.