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Climate Emergency Task Force

The Climate Emergency Task Force was set up in response to a resolution adopted by members at CHF BC’s 2019 Annual General Meeting. The committee features a mix of CHF BC directors, CHF BC staff and directors from member organizations.

The mandate of the Task Force is to:

  • to assist the CHF BC board in reporting to members annually on how CHF BC’s tools, resources and programs are helping member housing co-ops become more environmentally sustainable and resilient;
  • support CHF BC’s efforts to assist housing co-ops in discussions with their members on how they can take tangible steps to reduce their co-op’s impact on the environment.

The Task Force first met in early 2021.  Read an interview with member of the Task Force, Kathryn Sheps, here.

For updates on the committee’s work, sign up for our sustainability and environment e-newsletter.

Learn more about the Task Force