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Ongoing grant programs can be elusive, but government occasionally offers support for capital projects. It may be in the form of grants, conditional loans or a blend of grants and low-interest lending. These can be competitive and may have significant eligibility criteria.

In 2022, in part due to the National Housing Strategy, there are a number of options to explore. Necessary or recommended capital projects shouldn’t be delayed if there isn’t external support, but that support can be very helpful when it is available.

It’s a good idea to always have in mind a project that could be ‘shovel-ready’ at short notice.

Some key programs:

  • CMHC’s Preservation Funding program (for studies)
  • CMHC’s Co-investment Fund (renewal stream)
  • BC’s Social Housing Retrofit Support Program
  • Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Grant Program


Learn more about current programs