You can learn how to access home healthcare services through a case manager, or if in hospital, through a social worker. You can find more information about free and subsidized care services through the Health Authorities, the Better at Home program and the Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) option.
- Case managers: determine your eligibility for wait lists in subsidized care facilities (e.g. assisted living or full residential care). To get one, you need to register with the Community Care section of your local health authority (CMs are assigned based on where you live). An intake assessment will determine your eligibility for future subsidized personal care services in your home. The intake-assessment is done once, except for annual changes to your income and/or residence, or if your last assessment was more than five years ago.
- Social workers: play the same role as a Case Manager if you end up in hospital and require further help at home when released. Social workers will communicate with your CM, providing you are registered. They are part of your medical health team along with your doctors and other therapists.
Tip: Be nice to your CM or social worker because you need their help. Be aware that they have very demanding case-loads.