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CHF BC and Vancity have partnered on an initiative that offers incentives for benchmarking participation. If your non-profit housing co-op is a Vancity member, it may be eligible for up to $500!

  • $100 for eligible participants which have or obtain digital building plans
  • $200 for eligible participants that register for Energy Star Portfolio Manager access through CHF BC
  • $200 if your co-op qualifies for automatic utility data uploads

Existing ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager participants are also eligible for the incentive.  Eligibility for the incentives vary but all require Vancity membership.

Talk with us for incentive details and to see what’s possible!

Eligible co-ops that submit required paperwork and documentation to complete benchmarking setup by January 15, 2025 can receive their incentive payment this winter*.

*Disclaimer: Co-ops that meet the minimum requirements for energy benchmarking can participate even if they are not eligible for the CHF BC-Vancity incentive. To receive incentive payments, co-ops must be eligible for both energy benchmarking and the CHF BC-Vancity ESPM Support Program, as well as complete one or more steps required to qualify for the incentive. CHF BC cannot guarantee a set timeline for co-op receipt of incentive funds; a range of factors can impact set up of benchmarking, even where necessary information is available, including but not limited to changes made by utility providers, updates to the EnergyStar Portfolio Manager platform, complexities with co-op properties, and technical issues.