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Lisa Berting

Misty Ridge Housing Co-operative

Hello all. My name is Lisa Berting, and I am running for the CHF BC Board of Directors.

I have been involved in housing co-ops since 1992, when I moved into Misty Ridge Co-op in Burnaby.  Since that time, I have been on the membership, membership, and parking committee committees, as well as the Board of Directors.

I have been elected to the CHF BC board in the past, where I was treasurer for several years. After that, I was also elected to the CHF Canada board, and was the treasurer of that board as well.

I have worked for a co-op management company since 1998, where I oversee the financial production of each clients records, create budgets in collaboration with the co-op, and review audits before they are presented to the board. In my work with co-op’s, I have gained a full understanding of each operating agreement and the many different issues co-ops face, from the new FCHI-2 agreement to expiring land leases.  The most important thing I have learned is that each co-op is different, and there is no cookie-cutter solution to any issues co-ops face.

My favorite part of co-op meetings is meeting face to face with co-op members and listening to their concerns and/or questions, then working with the members to create a solution what works with their community. That is an approach I would like to bring to the CHF BC board as well. The members of the co-ops are our most important voices, and I look forward to meeting more of you!

I am asking for your support and vote at the CHF BC AGM on November 19, and look forward to seeing you there!