Patricia has lived at Post 83 Coop since 2015.
She served on the Board for two years as Vice President, Secretary, and Chair of the Membership Committee. She also participated as a member of different committees at the Coop. These experiences, as well as the Education Program at CHF BC, brought her a lot of knowledge and a different perspective about building community, human rights, and inclusion.
Patricia brings her expertise and professionalism to the Board. She has been working with non-profit organizations helping refugee claimants and new immigrants to find transitional and permanent housing for more than nine years. She also has served as a member of Inland Refugee Society of BC Board of Directors since 2014 and now as a member of the Advisory Committee of the Housing Working Group, an initiative developed to find solutions to the housing crisis for this population.
She has worked with Indigenous communities implementing a wellness project for people who had experienced trauma at the Residential Schools. She also worked as Chief Executive Director for different health organizations. Patricia’s background has offered her an opportunity for experiential learning, community engagement and the application of system thinking to address social/health issues, a model that can be used into the Cooperative Housing setting to build a better place to live.