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Rejoice Anthony – First Avenue Athletes Village

I have lived at First Avenue Athletes Village Cooperative Housing home for six years.

Currently I serve on the Events Committee and Crew 72 (Disaster Preparedness Committee). In the last four years, I have been my co-op’s delegate to CHF BC and CHF Canada AGM’s.

Established in 2011, Athletes Village was the first co-op built in British Columbia in more than 20 years. Cooperative housing is the answer to our housing crisis; due to lack of available and affordable housing for low to upper-middle income earners, in all the major cities across Canada. I am running for CHFBC’s board because I believe in collaborative, community and relationship building as a model for an inclusive society. I am passionate about housing as a human right, becoming the reality for every British Columbian and Canadian.  Professionally speaking as an Employment Counsellor who’s worked in the social service for last 20 years, I know the impact of lack of adequate housing has on people’s capacity to find and maintain employment.

I’m eager to join CHF BC’s board moving forward in building new co-op homes. Finding ways of working collaboratively with other housing providers and levels of government. With the challenges the board is facing of ensuring existing homes are protected and fair land lease negotiations, it is imperative to have board members who are passionate about diversity, inclusion of all people while responsibly managing our assets. You can reach out to Rejoice at and follow her on Instagram at auntieesichats.