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Role: Technical Support Person

A lot of what makes a good meeting is invisible, but background technical support is critical.

Before a scheduled meeting starts formally, someone needs to launch the platform so people can sign on, test their connections and orient themselves on the platform. Consultants who play the role of Technical Support Person assist with tracking participants as they register for a meeting, address technical issues, monitor chats and bring forward comments to Hosts and Chairs, and can serve as backup on presentations.

Like Hosts, they participate in a pre-meeting practice run to iron out potential issues so the actual meeting runs as smoothly as possible. The full set of tasks performed by someone in this role will depend on discussions among the Chair, Host and Technical Support person.

Small virtual meetings may only require a Host or a Technical Support Person. Larger meetings generally require both for smooth functioning, particularly during the registration and troubleshooting phase, before the scheduled start time.