Island members “Get Real” at all-day Island Education Day workshop

  23 March 2015

On Saturday, March 21, 19 enthusiastic members from 12 Island co-ops came together to “Get Real” at the Spring Island Education Day.

Members were challenged to not only think outside the box when considering their co-op’s future and the future of the co-op sector, but to build a new box. They stretched their imaginations as they worked on fresh ideas and startling approaches to dealing with issues as their co-ops approach the end of operating agreements. There were plenty of “ah-ha” moments, lots of lively discussions and many meaty exercises designed to tackle what every co-op and every co-op member needs to know to create the future they want for their homes and their communities.Participants can download copies of materials from the workshop (password provided to participating members only).

Island members are encouraged to register for CHF BC’s Spring Education Conference on April 11 where they can choose from a line-up of 12 workshops.