CHF BC developed its long-term planning services to help members make and implement plans to secure the long-term viability of co-ops, but we don’t do it alone.
BC's largest credit union provides preferential rates and terms on loans to co-ops that have obtained CHF BC asset management plans. Vancity understands the value of the asset management planning service that CHF BC offers and is a strong supporter of co-op housing.
Vancity's charitable arm makes available low-interest loans, enabling interested co-ops to borrow money to carry out building assessments and develop plans. Most co-ops pay for services from their own funds, but for some co-ops this alternative is critical.
Three CHF BC-affiliated land trusts work to preserve and expand housing options for low and middle income households. The Community Land Trust can assist co-ops on redevelopment projects and is also involved in creating new co-operatives. The Land Trust is not formally part of the Program, but if during AMP development, it becomes clear that redevelopment is the preferred option for a co-op, the Program can refer that co-op to the Land Trust. The Land Trust may also directly seek out CHF BC's AMP services.
CHF Canada is the national co-op housing federation and it offers its own refinancing and planning services to co-ops located outside BC.
Our current partner for engineering services is IRC Group: “IRC Group is a consulting firm that focuses predominantly on evaluation and rehabilitation of commercial, industrial, institutional and residential buildings. IRC Group specializes in roof and pavement consulting, building envelope, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering and sustainability."