A full room of CHF BC members came together on Wednesday evening, October 16, for a warm and lively meeting of the Vancouver Island Council.Members heard a report from the CHF BC board and CHF BC Executive Director, Thom Armstrong gave a review of upcoming education events, the Model Rules 2.0 (available later this fall), and coming changes to the CHF BC website.Members also took part in small group discussions where they answered the two questions:How will housing co-ops have to change to continue serving their members well beyond 2020? and What services will co-ops need most urgently from CHF BC and CHF Canada to meet their future challenges successfully?Delegates also voted in two elections: one for Vancouver Island Council (VIC) Chair and Vice-Chair, and another for two Island Directors for the CHF BC board.The new VIC Chair is Avis Michalovsky, from Pioneer Co-op and the Vice-Chair is Art Farquharson from Seawalk Co-op. A two year Island Director position was filled by Patty Shaw from Kailasa Co-op and a one-year vacancy by Art Farquharson.Photo:New CHF BC Island Directors, Art Farquharson, Seawalk Co-op and Patty Shaw, Kailasa Co-op.