Board Woes: Spotting and Fixing Dysfunction

Workshop Intro:

10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Explore some of the symptoms of an under-performing board and provide practical actions to help improve your board’s performance.

Workshop Date:

Workshop Location:
In Person (Westin Wall Centre)

Workshop Type:

Workshop Duration:
2.0 Hrs

Sue Moorhead


When a board works well it makes sound decisions, achieves good results, and inspires members’ confidence — all in a positive environment. Sadly, many co-op boards fall short of these goals and are more or less dysfunctional. This engaging workshop will explore some of the symptoms of a dysfunctional board and provide practical actions to help improve your board’s performance. The time to do it is now, before larger problems occur!

Workshop Leader

Sue Moorhead has been active in housing co-ops and federations in British Columbia and Quebec for most of her working life. From 1997 to 2014 she was CHF BC’s Education Director. Now a CHF BC consultant, Sue chairs meetings, facilitates workshops and provides advice on co-op housing governance issues. An active member in her own housing co-op in Vancouver, she has served in various board and committee positions. Sue also worked as a technical advisor for Rooftops Canada in South Africa for five years, and has been on several national boards.

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