Membership Terminations – Scheduled Workshop

Workshop Intro:

The easiest way to deal with membership terminations is to implement strategies that help to avoid them! That’s where this workshop will start. However there are times when your co-op board has to terminate a membership for the well-being of the co-op and the other members.

Come along to:

  • Learn about the basic legal framework,
  • Be able to identify the conditions for successful membership terminations,
  • Review the necessary steps and procedures with accompanying forms and templates, and
  • Be able to ask questions about specific situations.

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

$75.00 – $85.00 per person

You can download and print a poster of this workshop for your co-op notice board here.

Workshop Date:

Workshop Location:
CHF BC Conference Room at 220 - 1651 Commercial Drive, Vancouver V5L 3Y3

Workshop Type:

Workshop Duration:
3 Hrs

Thom Armstrong - CHF BC & Geoffrey Dabbs of Gehlen Dabbs Lawyers