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A Step On Our Journey Towards Reconciliation

“How can you be a community that reinforces values of respect and belonging if you make people feel excluded with something as simple and ordinary as the title of a publication?” – Thom Armstrong

When CHF BC’s flagship publication, SCOOP, was first published, the goal was to share news, events and stories that would bring individual co-ops scattered throughout the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island into a province-wide co-op community—stronger, together.

The name was seen as a clever play on words, conveying both the thrill of a journalistic scoop of important information and, with the “s” removed, the word “co-op.” It’s easy to imagine the creators landing on the name with a sense of pride in its feeling of excitement, forward momentum and even humour.

But the name conveys another meaning; one that wasn’t realized until it was pointed out to us here at CHF BC just recently.

This story is about how we are acknowledging our oversight, the privilege inherent in that blindness, and the work we are doing to set things right.