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Barb Goode

Barb Goode has many accomplishments; she is a founding member of BC People First (one of the first People First groups in the world), and in 1995 Barb addressed the UN General Assembly (GA), becoming the first self-advocate to present to the GA.

Furthermore, The Eve decision in the early ’80, when the Supreme Court of Canada ruled developmentally disabled adults cannot be forcibly sterilized, is work that Barb is particularly proud of. Barb was also on the Editorial Committee for CLBC and contributed to their “Just say HI” campaign. In 2011 Barb published her memories, The Goode Life, and is currently working on the next edition.

Barb is a prolific presenter and workshop co-host for a variety of groups including; Spectrum Consulting, BC Representative of Children and Youth, ESATTA Co-op (Empowering Self Advocates to Take Action) as a voice for self-advocate leadership, and most recently on a webinar with Cornell University Citizen-Centred Leadership series. Barb has also been on the boards of BC People First, Inclusion BC, the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL), and International Inclusion.

As a board member of the Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN), it is important to Barb that PLAN members meet and get to know each other socially. For everyone to be out in the community and “to be seen having fun and seen as people first and the label second.”

Barb will co-facilitate the Accessibility For All: What it is and Why it Matters workshop at the 2022 Spring Education Conference.