Le Coeur Co-op Housing Co-operative
I’m David Hiebert. In 2018 I retired after 20 years of owning my own maintenance company. My wife and I and our young family became part of the Benryk Mews Co-op in Richmond in 1988. Now, my wife and I are members of Le Coeur Co-op in Vancouver.
Over the years I’ve served on two co-op boards as Vice President, and on many committees: Social (as chair), Welcome, Membership, Newsletter (as chair) and Emergency Preparedness. Recently I started Le Coeur Co-op’s new Aging in Place Committee. We’ve expanded the AIP committee; it’s now the Aging & Accessibility Committee and I am serving as chair.
For three years I served on the CHF BC Education Committee and now I’ve been serving on the CHF BC Aging In Place Committee for almost a year. You might notice that I’ve repeatedly used the word ’serve’. Serving with people and organizations whose vision and goal is for family and community has always been what I’ve wanted to contribute my heart and energy towards. I appreciate working together on a team with a common goal where everyone contributes their talents and ideas. Co-ops are the future and it’s now that co-op community members are creating that future. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a candidate for the CHF BC Board.