Jana Husseini was born with Spina Bfida and started her career as a young disability advocate in 2006, when she joined the Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union (LPHU) where she has held several positions.
Since then Jana has shown a significant enthusiasm for promoting rights of persons with disabilities to inclusion in Lebanon. She has led many of LPHU’s youth activities mobilizing disabled young women and men to get their voices heard, and thus advocate for rights to inclusion. Today, Jana sits on the board Disabled Women’s Network Canada (DAWN) and holds the position of community advocate at the Disability Alliance of British Columbia where she is in charge of advocating for the rights of British Columbians with disabilities in accessing the Disability Tax Credit and the Registered Disability Savings Plans. In 2017, Jana was part of the Canadian government Federal Minister’s Delegation to the United Nations as a youth delegate, to the Conference of States Parties 2017 in the UN Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Jana will be one of the panelists at The Right Fit: Accessible housing for wheelchair users at the 2021 Spring Education Conference on April 24.