There are a lot of practical elements to a virtual meeting that have to be settled before the meeting actually takes place. A Host gathers information and ensures the right virtual meeting platform is selected to meet the needs of the co-op.
The Host will set up a practice run for presenters (and others if interested) to ensure a basic familiarity with the platform, answer questions, and ensure agreement on how voting, meeting agreements and speaker lists will work. On the day of the meeting, the Host can provide assistance with registration and technical issues (where participant numbers permit, for larger meetings this will be the domain of a Technical Support Person). During the meeting, itself, the Host supports the Chair.
Hosts usually provide opening remarks about the use of the platform so everyone understands what they need to know. Hosts are generally responsible for controlling presentations and, when necessary, transferring screen control to various presenters. They can manage when participants may be heard (with guidance from the Chair); they monitor chat boxes and can prepare speaker lists; they can note whether quorum is maintained throughout the proceedings; they can manage break-out rooms; and they can prepare and launch polls.
Small virtual meetings may only require a Host or a Technical Support Person. Larger meetings generally require both for smooth functioning, particularly during the registration and troubleshooting phase, before the scheduled start time.