17 of 33 CHF BC member co-ops sent delegates to the Vancouver Island Council meeting on October 13, 2005.
Island members heard about direct service opportunities available with CHF BC commercial services partner Home Depot Supply. Everyone was interested to hear that the appliance program now available to Island co-ops has taken off with immediate uptake and excellent member satisfaction. Members received a progress report on the Section 95 subsidy campaign and were encouraged to attend the CHF BC AGM in Burnaby, BC on November 26 to hear more. There was lots of fun and laughter during the member forum as 29 members formed working groups and reported on initiatives they would like offered to CHF BC Island co-ops.
Island members were encouraged to take advantage of the great new workshops offered at the CHF BC Education Conference in Burnaby, BC on October 22nd and the Island Education Day in Victoria on November 5, 2005.