Together | Ensemble at UBC – Advancing the SDGs in British Columbia

UBC Sustainability Hub      7 Jun 2023      BC Hydro Theatre Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability 2260 West Mall, Vancouver BC       Partner/affiliate event

8 a.m. – 5 p.m. | UBC Point Grey

BC delegates are invited to join Together | Ensemble at UBC – Advancing the SDGs in British Columbia, hosted by the UBC Sustainability Hub, to focus on key cross-cutting themes including decolonization, the dignity and rights of humans and more than human world, education, climate justice, and just transition.

Events and panels throughout the day will advance participant understanding and appreciation of these key themes as they relate to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

UBC Sustainability Initiative research related summer WorkLearn positions |  Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability

Thursday, June 7, 8am-5pm
BC Hydro Theatre
Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability
2260 West Mall, Vancouver BC [map]



Together|Ensemble brings together Canadian partner institutions from June 7-9, 2023 to track progress on the SDGs through a mix of in-person and online events. The conference will engage the private sector, academia, government, and civil society to address Canada’s toughest sustainable development challenges in accessible, inclusive, multi-generational, equity-based, and bilingual settings.



Conference $25/person
Weaving workshop (optional) $10/person



8am – Welcome
8.50am – Introductory remarks, Land Acknowledgment and Shape of the Day
9.20am – Session 1: Decolonizing Education: Indigenous Perspectives in Teaching and Learning the SDGs
10.50am – Session 2: Just Transition led by Vancouver Economic Commission
12.20pm – Lunch with weaving workshop and networking
1.20pm – Session 3: Armchair dialogue on climate justice, peace, and equity led by BCCIC
2.50pm – Sharing
3.05pm – Break
3.20pm – Roundtable discussions on the key themes facilitated by topic experts
4.50pm – Conference wrap-up