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  2 August 2023   

Podcast: The Financialization of a Housing Crisis

The days of the “mom-and-pop” landlord are largely behind us. Now, housing units are being snapped up or developed by large corporate entities and private-equity firms. It can be hard to figure out who  actually owns a building. Homes being treated like major sources of capital, instead of places for people to live.

Erika Sagert, policy manager for the BC Non-Profit Housing Association, has been trying to identify just how many people are affected by this financialization of housing.

  12 June 2023   

Our Recommendations on the Financialization of Housing 

Housing Central and CHF Canada recently submitted recommendations on the financialization of housing to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA). 

The financialization of housing is the process where housing is increasingly treated as an investment rather than someone’s home.