A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
Snow and ice brings a unique set of safety and accessibility challenges for housing co-operatives, including greater winter risks due to slippery conditions.
A little extra care this winter will go a long way towards keeping your co-op safe and accessible.
Our groups buying partnerships with RONA/Lowe’s and TELUS not only benefit CHF BC member co-ops, but their resident members as well!
Read on to learn more and sign up today!
Our Group Buying Program has some exciting news for individual co-op member households!
The new RONA/Lowe’s resident member program is here! Now individual members can get the same discounts as your co-op for everyday in-store maintenance supplies and hardware purchases. Resident members can buy and get savings like a contractor.
CHF BC is pleased to announce that members can now shop for their maintenance supplies at Rona and Lowe’s stores across British Columbia using the same VIP Pro in-store account number.
With the first significant snowfall of the season in the Lower Mainland, many co-ops will experience waste and recycling service delays. CHF BC member co-ops are on a list of “priority sites” and the moment that your service provider is able to get to you, they will.
To help your co-op get ready for winter, CHF BC’s maintenance supplies partner, RONA has exclusive deals on salts and ice melters on now and throughout the season.
As winter arrives, and the possibility of snow increases, we would like to remind our member housing co-ops to keep their garbage and recycling area clear of snow and ice.