CHF BC and CHF Canada members came together at the Member Forum on September 10 to hear about one of the newest co-ops in the province, the Vancouver Tool Library. Chris Diplock, president of the Tool Library gave a presentation and explained how the Library works.”Just like a book-lending library you can borrow tools and return them for free.”But you need to be a member of the Tool Library co-op. The Library now offers organizational memberships and co-ops can join. This will allow co-ops to appoint representatives who can have access to tools for hobby projects or big work parties – with a membership share and minimal annual fees and some extended timelines compared to standard memberships. Individual co-op members can join the Tool Library too.The Tool Library also offers workshops at the Tool Library on Commercial Street in Vancouver, but Diplock says the Library would consider bringing workshops to co-ops too. Workshops are offered based on demand. For example, one workshop they’ve given is how to build planter boxes.As part of the Member Forum, members also heard the latest news from CHF BC and CHF Canada and shared with each other what their co-ops did for their “summer vacations” and priorities for the fall.The next Member Forum is Wednesday, October 10 following the Thanksgiving long weekend.