Our Board of Directors are democratically elected by CHF BC members.
At our AGM, candidates should be prepared to address the delegates with a short speech and take part in a speed networking session where delegates will have the opportunity to as questions and get to know the candidates better.
Five (5) at-large directors are elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in November each year. All positions are for two-year terms. Nominations will open in September.
One (1) (of two) directors representing Vancouver Island members is elected at an October Vancouver Island Council meeting each year This position is for a two-year term. Nominations will open in September.
Interested candidates should review the documents below and complete the Candidate’s Declaration form and email to members@chf.bc.ca
Deadline for the Vancouver Island director role is 4:30 p.m. on Friday October 11, 2024.
Deadline for the at-large director role is 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
Note: Late declarations will not be accepted.