A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
B.C.’s housing sector celebrates the $1.5-billion Canada Rental Protection Fund, 🎉
The fund builds on the successful B.C. model, extending housing stability and affordability nationwide.
BC Budget 2024 includes modest spending increases in previously announced provincial housing measures.
British Columbia continues to lead the country in housing investments to benefit low- and moderate-income households. CHF BC, CLT, and the rest of B.C.’s community housing sector is pleased to see these investments maintained and, in some cases, increased.
A $500-million rental-protection fund that will help non-profit groups purchase rental buildings has opened in British Columbia.
The fund aims to help First Nations and other non-profit groups buy older “affordable” rental buildings to preserve them as low-cost rental housing.
On June 16, 2023, BC Non-Profit Housing Association, the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC, and the Aboriginal Housing Management Association submitted our Budget 2024 consultation paper.
Taken together, our proposals will ensure that British Columbians have increased access to affordable housing and that their housing is affordable, safe, and in a livable state of repair.
The Rental Protection Fund Board of Directors recently announced that Katie Maslechko is the new Chief Executive Officer of the Rental Protection Fund. The appointment is effective April 26, 2023.
The announcement marks an important milestone in the rollout of this innovative, sector-led solution to the housing affordability crisis
We understand there are many questions about when the Fund will be operational and how it will work, and we wanted to update you with the information we’ve confirmed over the past month.
First of its kind portal provides information on current housing and priority future needs for BC municipalities as local government candidates pledge to protect and build more affordable homes
A new Research Co. survey finds 39% of BC’ers rank housing, homelessness, and poverty as their number one concern, over double the next leading issue.
The biggest omission in the budget is the lack of any attention to the loss of affordable homes from the existing rental market.
CHF BC was proud to be a partner in the 2021 Housing Central Conference! For those of you who were able to participate virtually this year, we hope you found the keynote speakers and education sessions to be informative and inspiring, and that you were able to connect with fellow delegates to discuss the issues facing our sector.
BCNPHA’s latest edition of infoLINK – Housing Central Conference Special Edition is packed with exciting information about our upcoming conference! You’ll find helpful tips to make your #HousingCentral networking a success, a feature story on by Art Expo curator Robi Smith, a celebration of the Aboriginal Housing Management Association’s 25th anniversary, guidelines for retrofit success and much more!
Are you ready for #HousingCentral 2021? Get ready to join us virtually to meet, learn, and engage with the brightest minds working to solve the affordable housing and homelessness crises.