A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
The Energy Star Portfolio Manager Support Program offers incentives to co-ops that create an Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) account and share their data with our organizations. It is a partnership of CHF BC and Vancity.
Co-ops who are Vancity members. could access up to $500.
CHF BC’s free energy benchmarking program is up and running. And now, for most member co-ops, there’s a direct financial benefit to participation.
CHF BC has always been able to assist setting up accounts without charge, but Vancity has partnered with us to allow grants to be distributed for participation. If your non-profit housing co-op is a Vancity member, it may be eligible for up to $500.
The current Vancity CHIP rate is now 4.85% and the current Coast Capital rate is 3.88%. Regular business depositors earn little or nothing on similar accounts.
CHF BC’s Co-operative Housing Interest Pool (CHIP) with Vancity provides co-ops with above-market interest rates on their operating accounts. Almost 156 co-ops have combined deposits of more than $151 million in the pool. The current Vancity CHIP rate is now 4.60%. Regular business depositors earn little or nothing on similar accounts. The Bank of Canada … Continued
As rates are rising, the CHIP rate of 4.10% is good news for co-ops as it continues to provide above-market returns on your operating and savings accounts and continues to create value for your membership dues.
As rates are rising, the CHIP rate of 3.55% is good news for co-ops as it provides above-market returns on your operating and savings accounts and continues to create value for CHF BC membership dues.
Vancity has increased their CHIP rate for to 0.85%. This is good news for co-ops as it provides above-market returns on operating and savings accounts and continues to create value for CHF BC membership dues.
The members of Hoy Creek Housing Co-operative in Coquitlam have taken a big step toward a bright future for their co-op and for affordable housing in the Tri-City area. In partnership with the Community Land Trust, the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC), and Vancity Savings Credit Union, the co-op has secured its land. … Continued