Conflict in Co-ops – Fall Education Conference: Oct 31, 2020

Workshop Intro:

Morning workshop: 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Conflict will always be part of living in a community. This workshop will explore when to involve the co-op in a dispute and when not to. We will also look at what gets in the way of effective responses to conflicts and review the options that are available to co-ops for the resolution of disputes.

This webinar is part of our first virtual Fall Education Conference.

Workshop Date:

Workshop Location:

Workshop Type:

Workshop Duration:
2 Hrs

Chris Whyte


Facilitator Chris Whyte has been a CHF BC education facilitator for over ten years.

He is a registered social worker with a specialty in elder care and mental health.

Chris also holds a Masters degree in Conflict Management and has worked with members, boards and committees to resolve disputes in the Lower Mainland.

Chris’s workshops focus on managing conflict and mental health in co-ops.

See the full list of workshop facilitators.