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Val Embree

I am a big supporter of CHF BC’s advocacy for co-operative housing.

After many challenging years of limited senior government support, we now have new federal government affordable housing programs, and new support at the City of Vancouver.

I am a retired planner and long time member of False Creek Co-operative Housing Association (FCCHA), a 170 unit co-op in False Creek South on land leased from the City of Vancouver.  I have served on the Board of Directors at different intervals, retiring this month after 3 years as BoD Secretary.

FCCHA is an active member of False Creek South Neighbourhood Association’s RePlan initiative – linking co-ops, other non-profits, and stratas and local residents in conversations about land lease renewal, while imagining a changing neighbourhood that sustains the vision of mixed incomes and mixed tenure types.   In the early days of RePlan, I helped design and deliver education sessions in Co-ops to foster member understanding of the issues and opportunities we face.

Recently, the Neighbourhood Association formalized a Community Housing Trust.  I am keenly interested in how such a Trust might facilitate the expansion and renewal of affordable housing in False Creek South.  CHFBC’s experience with Housing Trusts will be an important resource.

I hope to be a good resource for both CHFBC and False Creek South as we pursue positive and possible futures for co-op housing.  Thanks for your support.