Our Strategic Priorities for 2021-25

  15 February 2022

Our board provides us with strategic direction, and in 2021 our strategic priorities were updated (pdf) to reflect a sense of belonging, sustainability practices, and the expansion of our movement.

Strategic Priorities

Strategic Priority #1 – Belonging

Inspire housing co-ops to be communities that promote and embody equitable access, opportunity, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone.

Key Strategies

  • Help housing co-ops identify and work to remove barriers to equity and inclusion.
  • Model best practices to promote equity and inclusion and to increase diversity among CHF BC directors, staff, workshop leaders, contractors, and consultants.
  • Refresh our education program, management services and development practices to reflect this strategic priority.

Strategic Priority #2 – Sustainability

Model and promote the principles and best practices of social, economic and environmental sustainability in everything we do and encourage our members to do the same.

Key Strategies

  • Refresh our education and member services, management services and development practices to reflect this strategic priority.
  • Ensure that CHF BC is financially and organizationally sustainable in the long term.
  • Partner with members, allies, stakeholders, and others to maximize the impact of our efforts.

Strategic Priority #3 – Growth

Champion the ongoing and significant development of co‑op homes to expand our movement and increase the availability of co-operative housing in BC.

Key Strategies

  • Continue advancing the Community Land Trust as an engine of growth and a steward of assets in the community housing sector.
  • Support the redevelopment of existing co-ops to add more co-op homes and protect existing members’ security of tenure.
  • Pursue the acquisition of existing purpose-built rental housing for conversion to housing co‑ops.

Mission and Vison

Our mission and vison remain consistent.


Unite, represent and serve our members in a thriving co-operative housing movement.


Growing an inclusive community of sustainable and permanently affordable co‑operative housing,