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  12 February 2024   

Video: B.C. Premier on the importance of co-operative housing

During his announcement of the acquisition of 2 Coquitlam housing co-operatives, B.C. Premier Eby discussed the important role that co-operative housing plays in meeting the challenges of the housing crisis.

During his remarks, he noted that co-ops are a model of housing that works. It’s stable housing, it’s affordable housing, and it’s also built-in community.

  9 February 2024   

Good News! Media Coverage of the Coquitlam Co-op Acquisition

On February 8, 2024, B.C. Premier David Eby announced the historic acquisition of two Coquitlam housing co-operatives by the Community Land Trust. It was the first investment of the recently created Rental Protection Fund (RPF).

Check out the video of the announcement, as well as links to some media coverage.