A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  10 June 2006   

CHF BC seeks nominations for AGM elections and awards

CHF BC’s annual general meeting is set for Saturday, November 25. The Federation is seeking nominations for the board elections and for the Lifetime Volunteer Achievement Award.

  1 May 2006   

Operation Richmond

A confirmed urbanite and lover of tall buildings and crowded streets, your correspondent typically approaches excursions beyond downtown Vancouver as quasi-military campaigns. An objective -…

  3 March 2006   

Island council news

Island members at the February 23 council meeting participated in a forum discussing why governments should invest in more co-op housing and what co-ops can do to get co-ops on the governments’…

  10 February 2006   

Premier Must Act to Close the B.C. Liberal Housing Gap – James

VANCOUVER – Premier Gordon Campbell must act immediately to close the housing gap and reduce the growing number of homeless in British Columbia created by B.C. Liberal government policies, NDP Leader…

  2 November 2005   

CHF BC announces Camp Rainbow bursaries

As part of our effort to support youth in the co-op housing sector, CHF BC will sponsor someone to attend Camp Rainbow’s Advanced Camp this spring.

  2 October 2005   

Island members rave about Networking Evening

As their co-ops busy themselves reviewing their Rules, Island delegates asked CHF BC to provide more information on joint, principal and associate membership.
CHF BC responded with the first ever…

  10 May 2005   

CHF BC seeks nominations for AGM elections

CHF BC is calling for nominations for board and finance committee elections at the November 26 annual general meeting.

  11 March 2005   

Think “Housing” on November 19!

CHF BC urges members to consider
the need for more co-operative and affordable housing during upcoming municipal elections.

  6 September 2004   

CHRA gives Conservatives a failing grade on housing

The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, reported in its review of party platforms that "the election of a Conservative government would mean longer waiting lists and more homelessness."

  3 August 2004   

Island Education Day attracts new CHF BC co-ops and members

CHF BC’s Island Education Day held March 6 was a great success with 15 of 31 CHF BC Island member co-ops represented. Of the 33 participants, many were first time registrants.

  4 May 2004   

Youth event for co-op teens

CO-OP YOUTH – OUR FUTURE 2004 is a one-day event open to youth aged 14 to 16 who live in a housing co-op.

  10 September 2003   

In Loving Memory of Fred Bustin

Longtime co-op supporter Fred Bustin passed away on September 23, 2003. Click on "more" for a note from Doug Perry, and for details about a memorial event scheduled for October 19.