A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.

  3 May 2023   

Sahara Shaik wins BC Achievement Foundation 2023 Community Award

CHF BC board member Sahara Shaik has received a prestigious Community Award from the BC Achievement Foundation.

The Community Award program honours excellence and inspiring achievement in community service and leadership. It celebrates British Columbians who go above and beyond in their dedication and service to others. The award recognizes individuals who devote their time and energy to making their communities more caring, dynamic, beautiful, resilient and inclusive.

  29 November 2022   

Everything that happened at the 2022 CHF BC AGM

The 40th CHF BC AGM was a big success. Our first hybrid AGM saw 82 in-person attendees and 40 online participants.

  26 October 2022   

Have you thought about running for the CHF BC Board?

There will be five (5) at large directors and one(1) at large Finance Committee member be elected at the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 20, 2022 . All positions are for two-year terms.

  28 November 2021   

CHF BC welcomes new board members

At the Annual General Meeting on November 21, 2021, five directors were acclaimed to fill openings on the CHF BC board including three new directors and two re-elected directors. 

The Vancouver Island director was acclaimed at the Vancouver Island Council meeting held in October.

  11 October 2019   

Thanks for joining us at the Fall 2019 Vancouver Island Council Meeting!

Thank you for joining us for the Fall 2019 Vancouver Island Council meeting at the Hotel Grand Pacific this week! There was a great crowd for the October 8 meeting in Victoria.

  29 June 2017   

CHF BC board appoints new officers

At its June 21 meeting the CHF BC board of directors appointed some new officers to serve until the Federation’s November annual general meeting. The executive committee now includes Cassia Kantrow (president), Erin Gilchrist (vice president), Amanda Skillin (secretary), Larisa Gorodetsky (treasurer), and Thomas Robson (at-large officer). See the list of all CHF BC directors. Photo: Cassia … Continued

  31 May 2017   

CHF BC announces president Patty Shaw’s resignation

With much gratitude for her outstanding service to the co-op housing sector, CHF BC regretfully announces the resignation of president Patty Shaw.A longstanding member of Kailasa Housing Co-op in…

  22 December 2015   

Record-breaking AGM generates excitement over new program, new board and new hope

A new program, a new board and new hope for members caught in the co-op housing crunch were all unveiled at a meeting that took AGMs to new heights. A record-breaking 64 delegates plus observers and…

  10 April 2007   

CHF BC seeking Island candidates for board election in Victoria

CHF BC is holding an election at the Vancouver Island Council Meeting on October 17, 2007 to choose a Vancouver Island Director for the CHF BC Board of Directors.

  10 June 2006   

CHF BC seeks nominations for AGM elections and awards

CHF BC’s annual general meeting is set for Saturday, November 25. The Federation is seeking nominations for the board elections and for the Lifetime Volunteer Achievement Award.

  10 May 2005   

CHF BC seeks nominations for AGM elections

CHF BC is calling for nominations for board and finance committee elections at the November 26 annual general meeting.