A well-informed membership makes the co-op housing movement stronger. Keep up-to-date on the latest CHF BC, and co-op housing related, goings-on by reading our latest news below. To get this news—and more— delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletters.
We live in a world divided by competition, but what would it be like if we thought about co-operating?
Take a look back at what the pioneers of Rochdale, England thought, and the birth of the co-operative movement which has inspired The Youth Excellence Society’s values and organization.
The co-op put co-op housing on the map in Vancouver, and were also significantly involved in establishing CHF BC.
On this day (July 27th) in 1982, the Co-operative Housing Federation of British Columbia (CHF BC) was launched.
In observing National Indigenous History Month this June, we are providing our members with exclusive access to an online Indigenous cultural awareness course called The Path: Your Journey Through Indigenous Canada.
2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the merger of The Vancouver Island Co-operative Housing Association and the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC. The result — one federation serving housing co-ops across the province — has been a resounding success.
July 2021 was an important month for housing co-ops in BC, and especially in Vancouver. After years of work (and lobbying) on the part of co-op members, CHF BC staff, and City of Vancouver staff, Vancouver’s City Council unanimously approved a new framework for lease renewals. The work of actually renewing those leases is starting … Continued
Women have been part of CHF BC’s staff and leadership structure since the organization’s beginnings nearly 40 years ago. Today, 54% of CHF BC’s workforce and 71% of its management team are female, while more than half (58%) of the CHF BC board of directors is female.
Today, we’re shining a spotlight on some of our extraordinary leaders of the IWD 2021 campaign Choose to Challenge.
Early pioneers Charles and Nancy Alexander moved north from California in 1858. In setting down roots on Vancouver Island became some of the first community builders in the Victoria area.
Their legacy of giving back to and strengthening the Victoria and Saanich communities has earned them a prominent place in BC’s history.
Rosemary Brown broke through racial barriers and the glass ceiling, making her mark in politics and human rights and leaving behind an inspiring legacy of achievement.
Her work has helped ensure equal rights for women and people of colour, whether it’s in our schools, workplaces or homes.
The Co-op Housing Federation of BC is celebrating its 35th anniversary and there’s no better way we’d like to do that than in the same spirit of growth and excitement that marked our beginning back in 1982.
New co-ops are being built for the first time in decades, existing co-ops are coming up with innovative solutions to grow, redevelop and remain viable and new governments are ushering in an era of unprecedented housing support. None of it would be possible without the vision of our co-op pioneers and founding members, including Merrilee Robson and David Lach. We sat down with David and Merrilee on the eve of our anniversary to hear their insight into CHF BC’s history and what’s on the horizon.
The co-op housing sector lost one of its true pioneers this month when Shirley Schmid passed away on February 11 at the age of 79. Almost 40 years ago, Shirley organized the first housing…